Friday, February 20, 2015

If you want to go blackberry picking in the cloud forest of the Amazonas department of Peru:

     If you want to go blackberry picking in the cloud forest of the Amazonas department of Peru be sure to only share that you are going in a whisper. This helps hold the suspense of the whole event, and doesn’t spread envy throughout the town. Answer all questions of the whereabouts of where you are going in vague un-descriptive words such as ‘down there’ or ‘over that way’ or simply a grunt and a hand motion will do. Then nod your head as the person that asked you where you will be going to pick your blackberries brags about how many blackberries they have on their farm that are so deliciously ripe. They have no intention of allowing you to go pick these delicious black juicy berries so don’t bother asking in what direction their farm is.

     If you want to go blackberry picking in the cloud forest of the Amazonas department of Peru have a legit container to collect your berries in. A bag will not do. Find a small bucket, or plastic pitcher with a lid; this will show that you are serious about your picking business. However don’t you dare live your house without a black plastic bag or backpack. The plastic bag or backpack is to hide any evidence that you are on a mission to go collect some berries. You must carefully place your collecting container into the black disguise bag and tie the handles of the bag tight. This initiates your journey. Along the route don’t make eye contact with anyone, and only talk in hush tones about your mission.

     If you want to go blackberry picking in the cloud forest of the Amazonas department of Peru feel free to jump the fence of any farm to access the blackberries once you are free of any potential of being caught. There are many farms that are not currently being cultivated and are free range for blackberry hunters. Slide back the wooden posts that create the gate and let yourself in. Run free among the grass and make comments about who owns the farm, and weather they are a good farmer or not. Then get to work filling up your container but never fully taking it out of its disguise bag.

     If you want to go blackberry picking in the cloud forest of the Amazonas department of Peru only head back when your containers are mostly full to all the way full. Make sure to scramble up the hillside comparing war wounds from your spiny vine fight with your fellow companions. Take frequent rests and if there is mud in the road do not pass up the opportunity to complain about it. Once back in civilization be sure to brag about how many blackberries you found but do not show your evidence to anyone. Continue being vague about where you went, and do not for any reason take off the black plastic bag to prove your success until you are safe within your home. If for some reason the disguise slips you will be overwhelmed with the blackberry envy eyes all over the community. You will then have to invite every child, mother, and grandparent to some blackberries, and you will end up back at home with very little evidence of the success of your blackberry hunt. I repeat do not succumb to the please invite me to some blackberries eyes.
      If you want to go blackberry picking in the cloud forest of the Amazonas department of Peru make sure you have a plan for your blackberries. You can cook them up with the some flour and sugar, or simple mix them in a bowl in sugar and eat them, it doesn’t matter just make sure there is a plan. Make more than you could ever eat alone and then if you are really feeling generous invite the neighbors to your creation. They will comment on how delicious it is, which will give you the opportunity to brag about how many blackberries you found. At this time you may use a specific location, because this will make the envious eyebrows rise and the blackberry creation you’ve just shoved into your mouth taste even more delicious.

 Pictures of my blackberry picking excursion with kids and blackberry pie to come soon!